We are looking for someone great to join our board as Treasurer starting in 2024 - 25!

Hi everyone,

It has been a pleasure to serve the WES community as the WES PTA Treasurer.  We are looking for a PTA member- parent, teacher, or grandparent- to assume the role of treasurer starting in July 2024.  The term is three years and includes responsibility such as:

  • Annual budgeting

  • Filing taxes and other necessary state and federal forms

  • Monthly reconciliation and reports

  • Bank deposits and expense reimbursements

A complete list of responsibilities per the WES PTA bylaws can be found here.

The Free State PTA Council (our oversight body) provides training to all new and renewing treasurers and is available to answer questions as needed.

I would anticipate the monthly commitment to be about 5 hours, including the monthly PTA meeting. It is busier in November and May, considering our PTA activities.

I am happy to answer any questions or provide additional information. Please email westchester21228@gmail.com

As treasurer, you are a member of the PTA Board, which provides an excellent way to serve the school community and provide feedback on the annual PTA activities.  

-Melissa West