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What are Kids’ Clubs?

WES Kids’ Clubs are a PTA-sponsored after-school program at Westchester Elementary School that gives your students the opportunity to participate in enrichment programs designed around their interests. The registration fee for each club is $100 per student. Registration fees are used to pay instructors for their time, purchase supplies, and support PTA programming for all WES students and staff. Financial aid is available, please inquire prior to March 1. Ride-sharing also available — email

How does it work?

At the end of the school day, participating students will be called to meet Ms. Vain until their club instructor picks them up and takes them to their club classroom. Students should bring a non-messy, peanut-free snack to eat before the start of clubs.

All Kids’ Clubs students will be sent to clubs classrooms by 4:30 p.m. Club sessions are one hour long. Students are dismissed for pick up at 5:30 p.m. Please be ready to pick up your student promptly. Students with more than two late pickups may have their right to participate in clubs forfeited without a refund.

Questions about your enrollment? Email!

 Kids Club Sign-Out Form

We know that sometimes life gets in the way and your student might need to miss a club session. When that happens we want to be sure that your student is dismissed to the correct place (Open Door, car line, walker door) rather than sent to clubs at dimissal time.

When you use this form to let us know, an email will go to your student’s homeroom teacher, the clubs facilitator, and Ms. Baldwin and Ms. Foster in the front office. That way everyone who is involved in getting all of our students to the right place at dismissal time will know exactly where to send your student.