Create a MemberHub account!

Our PTA has started using an online communication tool called for the PTA. We will use this to bring you into our PTA community and keep you informed and engaged with what is happening. As we transition this year, our site will be used as a centralized place for newsletters, Class hubs, event signup sheets all in one place!

Please visit Join WES PTA to add you and your family to our MemberHub site.  If you were already signed up to receive our PTA newsletters, you will continue to receive them, but you still need to create a MemberHub account to take advantage of the other communication benefits.  

At this time and in order to keep consistency, we will still be maintaining our main WES PTA site for the calendar, news and other Board info, and MemberHub will be the platform for the communications and membership aspect. We expect this to enhance the overall experience of knowing how you can support our WES community. 

We would love to have you as PTA members and are excited to bring new things to our school during the 2021-22 school year! Please visit to: Join or Donate